This fall join a group of instructors and help each other apply for the West Coast Teaching Award. This seminar for instructors will be offered as hy-flex which means you will always have a choice in the way you participate. Attend the face-to-face sessions or do the activity provided for that week and participate in the discussions. If you join the seminar, you are not committed to completing a dossier and submitting the dossier for one of the two nominations that will be forwarded by Selkirk to the provincial committee. Either way we’ll support you and want as many applications as possible! You will learn lots whether you apply this year or not!

The seminar will run September 24th – October 12th, 2021 covering the following topics:

1. write a teaching philosophy (commitment to enhanced student engagement and learning, and a reflective and intentional approach to teaching practices)
2. summarize evidence of excellence in teaching
3. demonstrate successful implementation of any of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
4. communicate career achievements
5. explain your student ratings of instruction
6. seek letters of support and nomination letter

By the end of this series you should have all you need to apply! The face-to-face sessions will be held at 3 pm on Fridays in the Teaching and Learning Centre training Zoom room. To register for the course choose I will attend here! Contact if you have questions.